Feature Film: Cézanne Visto Por Cézanne
This documentary, directed by the art critic Javier Molins, presents the life and work of Paul Cézanne (Aix-en-Provence, 1839-1906) through his descendants, featuring his great-grandson Jean Gobert Cézanne. The viewer will attend Cezanne's exhibitions in Madrid (Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza), Paris (Musee dOrsay) and Milan (Palazzo Reale) and visit with Jean Gobert Cézanne the sites portrayed by the painter in Provence as the mount Sainte Victoire, the Bibemus quarries, the family house of Jas de Bouffan or his workshop in Aix-en-Provence.
This film contains more than 75 works by Cézanne belonging to museums all over the world and includes interviews with more than 12 experts and relatives of the artist. An opportunity to get to know the man Picasso defined as the father of modern art.